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8 Ways to Ask For Wine or Coffee in Different Language


Yes, knowing how to say "hi", "hello," "how are you" and your "please and thank yous" are important when traveling, but knowing how to ask for wine or coffee in different languages might take the cake. And let's be honest, these two essential drinks make the world go round so don't let a language barrier complicate things.

Don't worry. You can still have your double shot (or glass of pinot) wherever your destination. We're here to help you learn how to ask for a coffee or wine in 8 different languages. Cheers!

Coffee or Wine | FTLO Travel | Group Trips for Young Professionals


Coffee: ¿Puedo tener un café?

Wine: ¿Puedo tener un vaso de vino?


Coffee: Puis-je avoir un café ?

Wine: Je prende un verre de vin, s'il vous plâit?

Coffee in Italy | FTLO Travel | Group Trips for Young Professionals


Coffee: Posso avere un caffe?

Wine: Posso avere un bicchiere di vino?


Coffee: コーヒーを持つことができますか?

(Kōhī o motsu koto ga dekimasu ka?)

Wine: ワインのグラスを持つことができますか? (Wain no gurasu o motsu koto ga dekimasu ka?)


Coffee: Μπορώ να έχω καφέ; (Boró na écho kafé?)

Wine: Μπορώ να έχω ένα ποτήρι κρασί ; (Boró na écho éna potíri krasí ?)


Coffee: Kann ich einen Kaffee haben?

Wine: Ein Glas Weißwein, bitte? (white wine)


Coffee: Дайте, пожалуйста, чашку кофе? (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh, CHAHSH-koo KOH-feh?)

Wine: Дайте, пожалуйста, стакан вино? (Digh-tyeh, puh-zhah-lub-shuh, stah-kahn vee-nah?)

Type it in your iPhone notes, grab a pen and paper or scribble these on your hand. You're a pro now; you can ask for wine or coffee in other languages. It doesn't matter if the glass is half full or half empty, there's always more room for our favorite two drinks. With these phrases, you are ready to get your buzz on like a pro. If all else fails...charades.

Man Drinking Wine | FTLO Travel | Group Trips for Young Professionals

Now watch me sip, my chardon-nay-nay.

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